30 January 2020


by Lloyd deMause
Schore, Le Doux and other neurobiologsts provide massive evidence that the neural circuitry of the infant's fear system is located in the right brain in two main affect regulators: the prefrontal cortex (the regulator) and the amygdala (the fear system.)[85]  When children experience maternal abandonment fears and maternal abuse, they release cortisol, which shuts down their prefrontal cortex and makes their amygdala hyperactive, "indelibly imprinting, burning in" the memory of the threatening mother in their amygdalan module.[86]  "The role of the amygdala is to remember a threat, generalize it to other possible threats, and carry it into the future."[87]  "Human subjects whose brains were electrically stimulated in the region of the amygdala reported a sense of being reprimanded by an authority."[88]  Only major dangers imprint themselves in dissociated form in the amygdala.[89]  Amygdalae of insecurely attached children are hyperactive and larger than those of securely attached children, plus their prefrontal cortices are smaller, and so they are less able to control their fears, angers and other irrational emotional reactions in response to later interpersonal difficulties.[90]  As LeDoux puts it, "They are probably with us for life."[91]

From Chapter 3: The Psychology and Neurobiology of Violence
Reformatted here: https://ballantynesinspiredmusings.blogspot.com/2020/01/the-psychology-and-neurobiology-of.html

AND from that chapter:

Children who cannot depend upon their caretaker to work through their daily fears have to "swallow down whole" their deadly abusers and store their abusive personalities in their brains, in a dissociated part of the right hemisphere's amygdalan network, a persecutory personality termed an alter.[64]  Its purpose is to hold the early terrors of abuse and abandonment in a split-off form that allows the child to not have to express his pain and humiliation to the parent (usually the mother) for fear of completely losing her and being killed. The alter allows the child to blame himself for the abuse, then splitting himself as victim into two additional internal alters: the Hero Self, who clings to his Killer Mother Alter and protects her, and the Bad Self, whom he must punish to avoid having the mother completely abandon and kill him.[65] The dissociated alters being in the right hemisphere explains why "left-handed males [right hemisphere dominant] are disproportionately represented in delinquent and criminal groups."[66]

and originally from the comments section of Snakes In Suits: Are Psychopaths Running The World? https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/snakes-suits-are-psychopaths-running-world


This is the precipitating comment that began my whole study – at 4:30 AM on my phone. scroll to end of article for comment


According to the current DSM-5, Malignant Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a specific sub-type of psychopathy characterized by the things on that list and more. Persons with MNPD perceive those around them (work-peers, family, friends) as sources of “narcissistic primary supply”. They need to constantly reinforce their own distorted self-worth with an external locus of control.  When the supply realizes the truth about the malignant narcissist and stops providing quality supply, the malignant narcissist “discards” this supply and embarks on a sophisticated grooming process for new supply.
those with MNPD:
·        cannot/do not love;  
·        hide who they are;                                
·        do not feel regret or remorse;            
·        have no sense of loyalty or moral responsibility to others;  
·        virtue signals in constant pursuit of supply; 
·        cannot be rehabilitated- unlikely to ever change. 
·        They are dangerous, as they suck the life and joy out of those closest to them;               
·        Avoid them at all cost.

Some university just did a study and found out that psychopathy is 10 times the national average in Washington DC :)
Washington, D.C.: The Psychopath Capital of America
Wow, only 10 times the national average

“Dr. Robert Hare, a world-renowned expert on psychopathy, an estimated 1% of the Earth’s population is psychopathic and around 25% of the population of male inmates at federal correctional facilities are psychopathic.
Psychopathic Traits
It is important to note that, in contrast with the popular image of the ‘deranged psycho,’ psychopaths tend to be very well composed, take good care of their appearance and are very charming (think of Christian Bale as Patrick Bateman in American Psycho). Because of this you may have a difficult time spotting them out, as they are masters of deception and are able to fake a lot of the qualities that define regular people. Some other psychopathic traits, according to Hare’s Psychopath
·        Glib and superficial charm
·        Grandiose estimation of self
·        Need for stimulation
·        Manipulative and cunning
·        Complete lack of remorse or guilt
·        Pathological lying
·        Have a parasitic lifestyle, often latching onto and taking from others
·        Have a history of early behavioral problems
·        Overly impulsive
·        Are very irresponsible
·        Unable to accept responsibility for actions
·        Unable to commit to long-term relationships
·        History of juvenile delinquency
·        Display criminal versatility
·        Experienced a “revocation of conditional release”
·        Lacks realistic long term goals
·        History of promiscuous sexual behavior
·        Have poor behavioral controls
·        Are callous and lack empathy
·        Have a “shallow affect” (psychopaths show a lack of emotion when an emotional reaction is appropriate.)
You can actually rate yourself to find out if you are psychopath. On each criterion, the subject is ranked on a 3-point scale: (0 = item does not apply, 1 = item appliesomewhat2 = item definitely applies). The scores are summed to create a rank of zero to 40. Anyone who scores 30 and above is most likely a psychopath. Hare has used this test and checklist to detect which inmates are psychopaths.”

On my first run-through I scored 26.

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