Excerpts from the book 'You Can Have it All', Arnold M. Patent
“Everything in the Universe is a form of energy. Mastery of money or anything else is mastery of energy.” pg. 9
“Our intuition, which is infinite intelligence talking to us between our thoughts, speaks softly.”
“The talents each of us have are literally God given, and they are given to be expressed. Failure to express them results in great discomfort in our physical bodies. The talents want out. Holding them in requires effort and is a major way we resist the natural order of the Universe. …
The Universe, in its infinite wisdom does not create talents without the corresponding need in others to experience the expression of these talents.”
pg. 21
“The Universe supports itself by encouraging each of us to fully and freely express our talents. If we want the support of the Universe, we must do what it created us to do – express our talents.” pg. 35
“Cause and Effect: This principle states that we cause everything that happens to us. … Another way of describing the law of cause and effect is to say everything that we have is what we want.” pg. 41
“The principle that we always receive what we want or believe is relentless. It is in constant operation whether we notice it or not. People who struggle for a living, doing things they dislike, perceive the world around them at variance from the ease and simplicity which is open to them.” pg. 53
“To master abundance requires us to deal with two basic issues. First, we must be willing to fully and freely express ourselves by using the talent or talents that the Universe has given us to express. Second, we must notice any beliefs which we have that are in opposition to the principle of abundance. If we are not experiencing total abundance we are literally pushing it away from ourselves.” pg. 54
“Since the Universe is perfect, anything that is less than perfect does not really exist.” pg. 55
“We have the capacity at any time to attract sufficient money into our lives to pay any debt we really want to pay. pg. 56
“Non-attachment: Allowing things to flow freely in our lives gives us the maximum benefit from each experience. …
Holding on to anything – people or material goods – blocks the free flow of energy around our experience with the person or object (car, house, clothing, or bank account) and reduces the pleasure we experience. It also inhibits the free movement of new things and new people into our lives.” pg. 59
Reading Patent is like getting hit over the head with a hammer. His truth bombs just come at you one after the other. Just off-hand, of all the books in Mary’s library this one covers all the bases and is the only one really necessary for the subject of intention, abundance, joy, etc. I definitely recommend everyone read this important book. Every time I go to excerpt something it feels like I could just continue and quote the entire book. Just randomly searching the Internet for Arnold’s birth data [1929 – probably Snake Year] I came across this:
We don’t create abundance. Abundance is always present. We create limitation.
Just this concept alone negates the message of a lot of the books in Mary’s library. Like all spiritual growth; it’s not growth we should be trying to achieve but a removal of the barriers to our spiritual understanding.
“Good and bad deeds are not the direct causes of the transformations of nature, but they act as breakers of obstacles to its evolutions - as a farmer breaks the obstacles to the course of water, which then flows down by its own nature. Patanjali
Commentary by Vivekananda: The water for irrigating the fields is already in the canal, only held back by gates. The farmer opens these gates and the water flows in by itself, by the law of gravitation. So all progress and power are already in man. Perfection is man’s very nature; only it is barred off and so prevented from taking its proper course. If anyone can take the bar away, in rushes nature. Then the man attains the powers which are his already. Those whom we call wicked become saints as soon as the bar is broken and nature rushes in. It is nature that is driving us toward perfection, and eventually it will bring everyone there. All these practices and struggles to become religious are only negative work, to take off the bar and open the doors to that perfection which is our birthright, our nature.”
From Swami Vivekananda, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali in the book Raja Yoga, Ramakhrishna – Vivekananda Center, NY, NY
Patent on the same subject: Our Relationship with Our Source
“Do you believe that God or an infinite intelligence is responsible for human life and everything else in the Universe? If the answer is yes, do you see it as an unconditionally loving and supportive energy? It is interesting that the way you view the energy, is exactly the way that you will experience life. If you can bring yourself to honestly and completely believe that it is totally loving, and supportive of everyone, under all circumstances, then you will experience a life of total joy. The degree that your belief is less than that, is the degree to which your life experience will be less than totally joyful.
There are people who believe that it is better to focus on a concept other than God to explain the creation of the Universe. When this is an attempt to avoid the concept of God, because thoughts related are unpleasant, then the replacement will not work.
As long as you harbor any thoughts that God is less than a totally loving and supportive entity, these thoughts will block you from achieving the peace of mind and joy that you wish to achieve.
When we view God as less than a totally loving and supportive entity, we view people as less than totally loving and supportive. Those of us who can see the perfection and unconditional love of God can see the same quality in others and in the Universe.
In our relationship with our Universe and with other people, we are truly experiencing the mirror image of our beliefs. It is a very simple but powerful concept. The best investment we can ever make is to learn to see everything and everyone around us as perfect. For then, we see ourselves that way, and we actually experience life that way.” pg. 138, To get the full Arnold I did not excerpt anything of this.
I was going to stop but I flipped to the end of the book and it’s just too good.
“We need do nothing to achieve a life that works perfectly. It is a gift from the Universe. In other words, we start out being whole and complete. Everything is always provided for us. The reason we are without anything is because we believe we cannot have it at that moment, or more accurately stated, we really do not want it.
Remember, having, believing and wanting are synonymous. This is the law of cause and effect. If we do not have anything we think we want, it is only because we do not really want it. Abundance is the natural state of affairs in the Universe. It wants to flow through our lives. When we are not enjoying total abundance in each and every aspect of our lives, it is only because we are pushing it away. …
Life is always the way we view it. It is a perceptual experience. Perceive it as perfect and it is perfect. Perceiving it as anything other than perfect is an illusion. The more we believe that the world of illusion is real, the more chaos and pain we create in our lives.” pg. 173
“The Universe, in its infinite wisdom, is an experience of simplicity at all times. It takes Infinite Intelligence to create true simplicity.” pg. 174