09 April 2015

Lyme disease compendium

Abstract: The following two treatment modalities have cured people of chronic Lyme disease
1. Heat treatment cure at St. George clinic in Bavaria
2. Cowden Protocol using Peruvian and other herbals

These notes are some of the most important information I have gleaned in hundreds of hours of study working in my girlfriend’s severe case of Lyme disease and probably Bartonella, a Lyme co-factor.

1. Very good introduction to chronic Lyme,

Difficulties getting tested by conventional medical practitioners, frequency of Lyme in cases of MS and rheumatoid arthritis, necessity to detox before treatment, etc.

Katina Makris ‏@KatinaMakris [from Twitter]
How to recover from #Lyme disease watch here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXzw6ICm0u0&sns=tw
Makris apparently recovered using the Cowden protocol but does not directly say so.

2. A heat treatment for Lyme

“The treatment at the St George Clinic the Bavarian Alps, which has become popular with Australian patients, is called hyperthermia. Dr Frederich Douwes made the chance discovery that raising the body temperature kills Lyme disease bacteria when he was working with cancer patients.” https://au.news.yahoo.com/sunday-night/features/a/25588947/australians-flock-to-overseas-lyme-disease-treatment/

My commentary: My SUGGESTION, not my direct experience, is that this heat treatment is quite possibly THE BEST way to go if you have a case of Lyme+ [meaning possibly with co-infections like Bartonella, babesiosis].

From the clinic website: “Systemic Whole Body Hyperthermia
The ancient world already knew the healing power of an elevated body temperature achieved by fever. This is the effect we use here.
Borrelia burgdorferi [B.b.] is very thermolabil. The low tolerance of spirochetes for high temperatures is well known and explains the absence of B.b. in the tropics, where infected ticks may be exposed to high temperatures detrimental to spirochete survival. Thus, the borrelia can be completely destroyed at 41,6 °C [106.9F].
In vitro cultivation of Borrelia burgdorferi demonstrates that the spirochete replicates most quickly at 37°C. If the temperature is increased to 39°C it retards the growth of B.b. significantly. At 41°C all spirochetes in the culture are being killed after 24h, whereas at 41,6°C [106.9F] all spirochetes are being killed after 2h.
In our Whole Body Hyperthermia Unit (Heckelbed), the temperature rise is achieved slowly in the entire system, including the brain. We raise the temperature to 41,6-41,8 degrees C. [106.9F-107.2F] and then maintain it for two to three hours. This treatment takes place under analgosedation [sufficient intravenous opioids to take away pain]; no general anaesthesia is being used.”

My commentary: I had the insight that the relatively extreme heat of Native American sweat lodges, compared to normal sweat lodges, would be a very effective CURE for Lyme and any other bacteria. This is how American Indians kept [keep] healthy.
In 1956, just before the introduction of the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines, I contracted a VERY bad case of bulbar polio, the worst kind that paralyzes your esophagus and proceeds down into your diaphragm, leading you to have to enter an iron lung. My case was of great concern and my prognosis so bad a young doctor was given the opportunity to experiment his then very radical treatment for polio – a heat treatment. The doctor, who himself was partially paralyzed from polio, reasoned that polio was caused by a virus and, as such, was susceptible to heat, as described above about the thermolability of Borrelia burgdorferi. I was wrapped in steamed, scratchy wool surplus Army blankets for hours at a time. Within a week I was better, my symptoms totally gone, although I had lost half my body weight as I could not eat due to the paralysis in my throat.

3. The Cowden Protocol.

Is a protocol of herbals and supplements originated by Dr. Wm. Cowden and used increasingly for the treatment of chronic Lyme. It appears to me Katina Makris, from the video of paragraph 1, was cured of her Lyme using this protocol although nowhere have I heard her say so. An introduction to the protocol can be found here:
http://www.nutramedix.ec/ns/lyme-protocol [Ecuadorian site] My guess is the Ecuadorian site says things the FDA would not allow in the US.

The protocol is somewhat complex and Nutrimedix has packaged the monthly supplements at a discount.

Ps. There is a distinction between the Ecuadorian Nutrimedix site and the US site where you actually order.

As of right now, 4/8/2015 I have begun to give my girlfriend/patient banderol and a less expensive form of Samento, a Cat’s Claw extract. I am attempting to talk to her about just going to Germany for the heat treatment.

There is a huge amount of information at the Nutrimedix sites. A comprehensive paper is http://www.nutramedix.ec/ns/dr-cowden/227-a-hidden-epidemic-integrative-treatment-of-lyme-disease See the magnifier in the lower right hand of the page.
I have copied and re-formatted this essay for easier reading if you want a copy. I think one of the most important things about the Cowden Protocol is his stress on detoxification and the propensity to chronic illness a toxemic body state creates. This is advanced ideation for most but at my age and experience, particularly with myself, it is crucially important. I am of the type who will always be chronically ill [Saturn, the planet, squares my Sun astrologically], therefore my problem is to find illnesses or situations for me to least destructively act out my chronicism, as it were. One of the Md.s in this area makes the same point: http://www.harryhong.com/default.html

Personalizing my experience again, in my own life I was sickly when young, contracted a BAD case of polio at age 14, experienced a miraculous recovery, and then proceeded to my next chronic illness, acute alcoholism! Essentially, I have surrendered to living a life of chronic recovery from these illnesses and then fit the rest of my life, what most would consider their “normal life”, around that. Cowden, most clearly of anyone I have read, makes this dynamic point.

Again from my experience, a few years after I stopped drinking alcohol I undertook about a two year detox that involved fasting 1 day a week and 3 days a month with colonic enemas. I got down to a weight of about 120 or lower at the end and detoxified my body of the pesticides and other residues from my childhood that were the originating cause of my illnesses!

4. A friend sent me a link to a web site about Lyme disease.

The site pointed out a 3 part solution to Lyme:
1. break open the bio-film surrounding the bacteria
2. kill the bacteria
3. clear up the brain fog associated with Lyme
And they discussed their remedies.

Their solution to brain fog has 4 major parts: The Essential “4 Brain Chemicals”
Dopamine, ALC, Serotonin and GABA.

1. ALC – Acety-L-Carnitine, Acetylcholine,  =JARROW Citicoline (CDP Choline)
2. Dopamine – a precursor is the amino acid L-tyrosine, a supplement
3. Serotonin – from tryptophan and 5-HTP, supplements.
[However, tryptophan and its metabolite 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), from which serotonin is synthesized, does cross the blood–brain barrier. These agents are available as dietary supplements, and may be effective serotonergic agents. From Wikipedia]
4. GABA – niacin!
[The only way to deliver GABA effectively is to circumvent the blood-brain barrier. Indeed, there are a small, limited number of over-the-counter supplements that are derivatives of GABA, such as phenibut and picamilon. Picamilon combines niacin and GABA and crosses the blood–brain barrier as a prodrug that later hydrolyzes into GABA and niacin. From Wikipedia]

The actual ingredients of their In-Focus product are;

My brief conclusions: There is SUBSTANTIAL work and experimentation anyone who has brain or depression or fatigue problems can do. First, and foremost, TAKE NIACIN, especially if you have any depression, blood sugar, alcohol, drug, or fatigue problems. Niacin crosses the blood-brain barrier.

Anyway, I’ve begun more in-depth work on this for my girlfriend who has not been well enough in the past 5 months to take any supplements.

If you get only one thing out of this seeming boring information get this: TAKE NIACIN. My greatest accomplishment is the last 40 years has arguably been straightening out my brain chemistry and recovering from depression and other maladies.

Regarding the bio-film around Lyme bacteria: “Some exciting research has discovered why Lyme disease resists antibiotics and keeps coming back - often worse!  When Lyme disease bacteria are threatened by antibiotics or the immune system, they are able to defend themselves by building protective cysts and biofilm shields.”

5. Brilliant treatment of Lyme and dental issues

Lyme disease often resides in the mouth

6. Horowitz Lyme-MSIDS Questionnaire

“Dr. Richard Horowitz [well known Lyme literate doctor in New Hyde Park, NY] developed the Horowitz Lyme-MSIDS Questionnaire as an informational tool to help you determine if you may have Lyme disease or chronic illness.”

My girlfriend scored 159 on this questionnaire – “If you scored 46 or more, you have a high probability of a tick-borne disorder and should see a health-care provider for further evaluation.”