28 December 2016

My [modest] proposal to move the United Nations to a new facility

The decrepit headquarters of the UN are in need of substantial rebuilding and rehabilitation. I believe this would be an auspicious time to move the UN headquarters from New York to another more appropriate place.   There are numerous reasons for this move;
• Financial – the proceeds from the sale of the current UN land and facility would more than meet the cost of a newer more suitable facility
• New York is a very high cost living area – delegates could live and work better elsewhere.
• The United States would be relieved of a substantive security burden keeping tabs on numerous delegates and staff who are potential security threats.
• New York is geocentrically, geo-politically, and population-centrically isolated from the majority of countries. Please see a world map adjusted for population. Asia has much more population than North America. Besides, the money is not here anymore – it’s in Asia!

My modest idea to move the UN – sent to the Sec. General Ban Ki-moon and the head of the Security Council, Sylvie Lucas. It’s outrageous the US can deny a visa to a UN representative. The buildings at the UN are a disgrace, NY is a zoo and $$$. The UN should be moved to a small principality like the Vatikan. The map is from http://www.worldmapper.org/posters/worldmapper_map2_ver5.pdf 

IMO, the population map roughly maps the possession of gold in the world also. There is going to be HECK raised when it’s discovered the US has NO gold at “Ft. Knox” or elsewhere.