08 August 2009

More on the END of the American Empire

More on the END of the American Empire

I just – 8/8/09 - received the following email from a friend. In its entirety so as to not add too much chaff -

Hello Y'All:

The following is a serious heads-up.

Love, JDA

http://www.brassche cktv.com/ page/674. html

//www.freebuck. com/articles/ jwillie/090716jw illie.htmb

Harry Schultz and Bob Chapman have revealed some harsh plans for temporary
US bank system shutdown on or about September 2009. The story has been
promoted by Peter Brimelow on MarketWatch for further publicity and
legitimacy (CLICK HERE
<http://www.marketwa tch.com/story/ schultz-paints- bleak-picture- of-future>).
See "Latest Schultz Shock: a Bank Holiday" which explains the US State Dept
tipoff to the many US Embassies. The July Hat Trick Letter cites multiple
confirmations solicited and given. My analysis goes on about speculation as
to the motive, implementation, cover for criminal activity, and market
impact. The USDollar would likely suffer a sudden quantum drop devaluation,
followed by incredible pressure to avert USTreasury default. Despite the
mockery in my email inbox for over two years, this inevitable inexorable
disaster of upcoming USTreasury default is unfolding like a path growing
more narrow and treacherous, with marauders on the hillsides lobbing Paulson
Cocktails (ala Molotov) from strategic high ground. The creditors will show
their strength very soon, very soon indeed! The unintended consequences
would be endless, not the least of which might be final declaration of state
of emergency state by state, or martial law nationally. Attempts at capital
controls should be on the table of discussion soon, but that comes with a
monumental backfire waiting to happen, as implementation seems next to
impossible in less than two years time. Look for implementation of numerous
plans to be circumvented by the reality of market forces, like elimination
of the IRS-enforced income taxes in favor of a Value Added Tax
nationally.. ..


I am adding the following coincident links and stories

Corrected link http://www.freebuck.com/articles/jwillie/090716jwillie.htm

Celeste is the best long-term predictor I know - http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig10/marshall1.1.1.html

His predictions coincide with mine using astrology.

My predictions are here – if the email above is correct my prediction of not being able to buy either gold or silver for periods of time – perhaps long periods – with US dollars will definitely come to pass.

An older prediction from 2007 or so http://astrolos.blogspot.com/2009/08/astro-economic-alert-14.html

And my astro based prediction of the end of the Federal Reserve http://astrolos.blogspot.com/2009/01/timing-american-economic-apocalypse.html

Chaff follows

The US dollar has fallen through important technical support on the charts in the past week

The last Treasury auction essentially failed – for the first time that we know of.

I could spend the time and re-vamp my own predictions but, frankly, I don’t think anyone out here in The Heartland of America cares. Everyone is rather blithely clunking along presuming everything will continue the way it has for the past 100 years with the US being the top dog and the economy having ups and downs. We are, in fact, at the END of the American Empire.

The US and the military that will be patrolling our own streets soon have significantly ramped up their losing strategies in the Graveyard of Empires. The US has been bankrupted by its military which has FAILED TO PREVAIL in all three of the major conflicts it has had since ‘The Greatest Generation’ won WW 2. These conflicts are Korea, Vietnam, and now Iraq and Afghanistan. The economic consequences of these losses are facing us now.


The Wizard